Thursday, January 26, 2017

Wall Graffiti

My last day in Georgetown was spent the usual walking to discover the street vendors and food "hawkers".   There was a new awareness of the graffiti.  Here is one that had pipes coming out of the side of the building.  I have no reason why there was these pipes, but some artist made this picture of a man in a gas  mask on the left.

Taking what was there and making a statement is really using your creativity.

As I am standing there, along come some university students from Kuala Lumpur.   I struck up a conversation with them.  Can you imagine that????

Well, as the conversation went, I asked them to pose with me in the photo.  Now, here I am in a foreign country, can not speak the language and get 6 guys to act like this.  Just act like we don't have a gas mask as in the wall art and there is gas coming out of the pipes.  WE ARE CHOKING!!!!


I had so much fun and everyone around the street was laughing and having fun too.  I started a trend.

I was having so much fun......I did not know a soul.....These people were in and out of my life in a short period of time, but I will never forget them or this time in my life.


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