Thursday, January 26, 2017

Wall Graffiti

My last day in Georgetown was spent the usual walking to discover the street vendors and food "hawkers".   There was a new awareness of the graffiti.  Here is one that had pipes coming out of the side of the building.  I have no reason why there was these pipes, but some artist made this picture of a man in a gas  mask on the left.

Taking what was there and making a statement is really using your creativity.

As I am standing there, along come some university students from Kuala Lumpur.   I struck up a conversation with them.  Can you imagine that????

Well, as the conversation went, I asked them to pose with me in the photo.  Now, here I am in a foreign country, can not speak the language and get 6 guys to act like this.  Just act like we don't have a gas mask as in the wall art and there is gas coming out of the pipes.  WE ARE CHOKING!!!!


I had so much fun and everyone around the street was laughing and having fun too.  I started a trend.

I was having so much fun......I did not know a soul.....These people were in and out of my life in a short period of time, but I will never forget them or this time in my life.


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Penang Malaysia

I am in the old city of Georgetown on the island of Penang, Malaysia.  It UNESCO site.  Walking around in narrow alleys and streets has that Southeast Asia charm.

There are murals painted all of the city.   Some are large on the sides of buildings and and some are tucked away in alleys.  They are kinda hard to find, but once on the hunt to find them, it  is like a scavenger hunt.  They are some that are famous and some just recently painted.

This one is rather famous.   Here is a motor cycle with a guy painted on it driving it.  Can you see the guy over my left shoulder?????

OK,  there were other tourist waiting to have their picture made with this mural.   They would just stand there beside the mural for their  picture..   OH, NO, not me!!!!Just get on that motorcycle and pretend he was taking me on the ride of my life.   That is the way to make a photo op and remember the mural.  Oh, the tourist remembered me too!!!
  Here is the mural with no one in the picture.  This is so real looking.
This is fun walking city.
When walking around, you are looking down for step ups and downs and broken pavement

Enjoy these pictures, because it took me forever to be able to share them on this post.

I am leaving today for the north part of the island and the beach.


Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Violin Players

OK, I am just STILL learning, lost my teacher in Chiang Mai

and on my own, but I just was able to upload this picture from last night

LOOK how beautiful this Chinese lady is and her music was just as beautiful.

This is such a beautiful place with the most in creditable experiences



Luang Prabang, Laos

I arrived yesterday from Chiang Mai, Thailand to Laung Prabang, Laos.  After a short ride to my hotel, I was off exploring.  Keep in mind I did not know a person.

This is a very old town which has be kept in the French Colonial style.  Every build is no more than 2 stories high.  As I was walking down the night market street, I could hear some blue grass fiddle playing.  As I stopped to listen, there were 3 Chinese young ladies listening too.  One of them went up to this man and wanted the violin.  He obliged and handed it over.

She started to play the most incredible classical music with not music.  The crowd grew and before long the side walk and street were everyone taken in by her playing.

Oh, I digress,  I was on my walk to find the soy with the food market.

Off again, then I saw Indigo Blue Hotel, this was the land mark to this food market.....

and WOW, how great, you paid one price and filled your bowl and sat a table with total strangers, but not for long.

I met a couple from Sweden, a couple from England and few others on their own too

I was alone for long and the conversation went on until the owners ask us to leave so others could sit down and eat.

The topic of discussion was feeding the monks in the is the ritual, but for a later blog.

So today, I was discovering the town in the daily light and saw the violin player, the man not the Chinese lady.  He was playing his violin and asked me to join him tonight where is playing with other local musicians.

As more discovering, I met the lady in the picture.   She was 75 and traveling alone....she was sitting there by the river contemplating crossing the  bamboo"bridge".  As these 2 monks spoke to us.  One was 17 and the other 16.  They had just finished their exams and wanted to practice their English.  It was such a challenge for them to understand "southerneeze"

Traveling alone is so wonderful, people just stop and talk.....well, of course, I always say, "Where are you from???"

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Thai Elephant

Elephants were used in Thailand to help clear the forest and building road in the past.  Since I have been here, I have learned that elephants are not used any more.
 Did you know that an elephant can eat a ton of food a day.  And a wild elephant can destroy 3 banana tree in one day.  So elephants are beaten and killed as they are no long needed  any help.
 Many elephant reserves use elephant to carry tourist around which is very inhuman.  Many working elephant in the mountains are beaten.  Some elephants have had their eyes poked out.  Small or very young elephants have had their legs broken.
Some sanctuaries, some not so good and others are OK , have been established to save and feed these elephants.  I visited one of these when I first got to Chiang Mai.  It was not the best, but with the funds that were available, it was better than killing or even letting the elephant starved to death.

These are pictures from the Mae Rim region where elephants roam in the wild.  I saw many farmers gathering food to feed these elephant when they returned to home for the night.

This was an experience of a life time, as the population of Thailand elephants is decreasing.

I was so privileged to have this chance to see this.

The picture at the top is an elephant crossing the road, we had to stop and let them cross.

Who has the right away????  The big animal.


Last days in Chaing Mai

Well, I am about to be leaving Chiang Mai in the next few days.  It will be so sad to leave and as I was at the market today, I saw this.  Ok, it could be right in eaastern North Carolina.....boiled peanuts, I  did not like them at home and I will be darned if I would buy them here.  The vendor was so intent for me to buy them, he offered me one.  STILL THE ANSWER IS NO
 Visions of my past are here too.  Here is a broom that everyone here uses and it is the same kind of broom that my Grandmama Lilley would use to sweep the leaves.  And maybe even Aunt Melba is still using one to this very day.
I am going out with 2 amazing women now,  So, I will be adding to the blog a little later, when time permits.......

Doing a lot and having such a good time,  soaking up the cultural....

Miss y'all and will be home soon.......


Thursday, January 5, 2017


There are McDonald's all over the world, but this Ronald McDonald is so unusual for me.

This Ronald is doing the traditional welcome with the hands touching and a slight bow, so nice and calming.

It is so common to meet a stranger and they will touch their hands and bow, saying welcome

The customs here are most refreshing


From The Balcony

This is the view from my balcony at the Smith Suites
This is what caught my eye, all these most beautiful paper lanterns
There were thousands of them filling the sky.  What a sight to behold.


Happy New Year

Oh my phone could not do just to the images above,  Wendy Davies from Canada shared these photos with me.  She quite the photographer and my teacher helping me with posting my photos.

Thanks Wendy

Monday, January 2, 2017

New Years Ritual.

As is here in this Buddha country, the monks have their ceremonies.  I have no idea exactly what this was but it was so beautiful and moving.
Prior to this procession of holding the candles, theses monks were in the temple chanting and lighting the candles and the going to this garden.  They left the candle on a little hill and then the next monks came too  and the procession was continues as the hillside became illuminated.  
This was the audience in the garden.  The crossed strings had hanging strings, amusingly to hold and offer a wish and then hang a banner.

You can see the hillside in the background with the candles that were left by the monks.

So beautiful and what away to bring in the NEW YEAR.

New Years Eve in Chiang Mai

I was invited to a New Years Eve Party at Smith's Resident.  I could not believe it, they were serving BBQ, not like eastern North Carolina's, but it was so good.

Then, after the meal, we were all dancing and having so much fun.  Some of the people were going to the 3 King's to attend the concert, so they invited me.

As I was leaving and going down the street you could see these images in the sky.....they were paper lanterns.

So, I ditched the orchestra idea and head off to the Tia Pia Gate.  There all kinds of vendors and the streets were filled with people from all over the world.  I made my way thru the gate and people were lighting the lanterns and releasing them.

Gosh, it was so beautiful.  At first, I could hardly take it in, so moving, there was such a peace and calmness.  Everyone was helping to hold and light the lanterns.  Met so many people from all over the world.

And, this young girl from Bogota asked if I was alone and I said yes.  We agreed to help each other light our lanterns.  So breath taking for me

If you enjoy these pictures in the least bit, you can imagine just how I how great it for me.

What a way to bring in the NEW YEAR